Friday, September 30, 2005

Queen of the Remote

Although I do not like it when D has to leave town, I do relish being sole Ruler of the Remote for those brief periods.

I must preface these thoughts by stating that we reign jointly as King and Queen when he is here, but since cuddling with one another takes precedence over show choice, we tend to avoid shows that only one of us wants to watch.

That being said, I thoroughly enjoyed Monday night, when I was sick, watching an entire hour and a half of figure skating on ESPN. That would have lasted about 10 min. (or until the next commercial) if D had been around. I also experienced the cheesy delights of "So You Think You Can Dance" and "Nanny 911" on Wednesday. No prayer of watching those shows when the remote is shared.

Yes, I was sick this week--first cold of the year. I took a sick day Tuesday. I still can't get over the fact that I actually get paid to stay home sick. That's crazy, man. This week has been nuts at school. With the sick day and all, I have been constantly tired and behind in grading and other stuff that needs to get done. Plus, my kids were jerks yesterday and I had to stay late to grade science logs (I finally left here at about 6:15). I was about to type "not that I'm complaining" but that's not true, so I won't bother. :-)

I am so looking forward to this weekend. A friend is coming tonight to work on scrapbooking--my major task is to lay out all the paper souvenirs that we got on our honeymoon, put them in order, and start deciding what is going to go on which page. Then I can start working on the honeymoon album! It helps to have a project to work on when D is gone.

I had to edit this post because I used the word "enjoy" about six times. I need to write more--my vocabulary is getting monotonous!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Arrr matey!

It be International Talk Like A Pirate Day, yarrr. Me'n'my students talked of pirate graphs and I threatened t'make one walk the plank. Avast and ahoy!

Shiver me timbers, I had a useless Excel training tis'afternoon. I ask ye, why d'we have a half day and spend it this way? I'd rather be raising the midden or hoisting the mainsail!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Online at last!

Our wedding proofs are finally online for all to enjoy. Go here and click on our names. The password is our wedding date (mmddyy). You can even view color shots in black and white. Happy looking!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

What's wrong with this picture?

In the wake of Katrina, I find myself asking a question...if they can get reporters into the streets of New Orleans, why the hell can't they get supplies and help?

The news media needs to stop thinking about their precious ratings and start thinking about using their helicopters (or however they are getting reporters there) to transport in food, water, and help such as doctors or nurses. It sickens me every time I turn on the TV to footage of a nicely-dressed and obviously clean reporter standing in front of a scene of devastation. How can they possibly justify to themselves what they are doing?

This is making me really angry. Reporting has its place. So does helping fellow human beings. I know which one I would choose.