Thursday, September 01, 2005

What's wrong with this picture?

In the wake of Katrina, I find myself asking a question...if they can get reporters into the streets of New Orleans, why the hell can't they get supplies and help?

The news media needs to stop thinking about their precious ratings and start thinking about using their helicopters (or however they are getting reporters there) to transport in food, water, and help such as doctors or nurses. It sickens me every time I turn on the TV to footage of a nicely-dressed and obviously clean reporter standing in front of a scene of devastation. How can they possibly justify to themselves what they are doing?

This is making me really angry. Reporting has its place. So does helping fellow human beings. I know which one I would choose.


Blogger Stephanie said...

and what about those people who are begging the tv people to take them with them and they just get passed by? that makes me sick.

4:17 PM  
Blogger Angie said...

I did read a heartwarming story this afternoon about a group of people trapped in the Tulane medical school who couldn't get rescued, but got through to a news station 90 miles away and the news station arranged their rescue with FEMA.

7:55 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

You bring up interesting points, but the media can be of little help overall. Spreading awareness might be the most important thing they can do at this point. I've read a couple stories about reporters giving what water they had to refugees, etc.

You might be interested in this article:

11:17 AM  

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