Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Kids say the darndest things, part II

From the same kid I wrote about last time:

"Wouldn't it be funny if you walked into a bank and said "say hello to my little friend" and then a midget stepped out from behind you and started waving?"

I didn't hear it, but the student teacher who was sitting in on my class heard him tell it to several different people. This kid cracks me up! He also gave me an entire dissertation about how Area 51 is a government coverup--it's actually the OTHER areas that host the aliens. He refused to listen to my logical argument that it's highly unlikely that aliens have visited the planet.

Also, can someone explain why some of my middle schoolers have an uncontrollable urge to sing in the classroom? This week it was the theme from "Gummy Bears," you know, the 80s cartoon.

I like my job a whole lot more than I did last year...I finally have enough lesson plans and enough classroom management experience that I can relax and enjoy some of the the crazy, nutty, funny antics of my kids. They do go too far on occasion, though, and that can be frustrating. But I am reminded often how much I love this age because they crack me up!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Kids say the darndest things

Wow, it's been a long time since I posted. Highlights of the past month or so:
  • 3 days after our "couple date," I got a nice thank-you note in my box from the teacher we invited. Does that count as calling within 3 days? Do we get a second date now? Somebody consult The Rules!
  • Nice Christmas in Colorado with "the fam."
  • D and I both got sick with a nasty cold the day after Christmas.
  • Drove back through Iowa to Chicago with Jeff, dropped him off at school.
  • Bailed on what would have been a fun New Year's party (sorry B!) and drove home because we still felt sick.
  • Nice quiet New Year at home, though. The 1st was great too...a whole day to do absolutely NOTHING.
  • Playing catch-up ever since I got back to school with lesson planning, grading etc. Speaking of which, midterm grades are due tomorrow, so I should go do that soon.

Getting back to the title, I wanted to share the following question that I got in class yesterday while discussing air pressure:

Student: "What would happen if we took all the air from around a person away? Would he implode?"

Me: "No, he would EXplode because the air pressure inside him would be pushing out!"

Student: "COOL!! Can we try it on John?"

Out of the mouths of babes. Where do they come up with this stuff?