Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Break at last!

I am very much enjoying my spring break. My brother and I had fun on Monday; we went to a local cheese-maker and amused ourselves with tasting all the cheeses. D and I took him to the train station yesterday, then ran a few errands. We picked up my wedding band at the jeweler's (LOVE it) and then went to set up our gift registries. It was really fun! We went to Kohl's first. They give you a scanner, and you just go around and and scan everything you want. We did bath and bed stuff there as well as everyday dishes, luggage, and pots and pans. Then we went to Target, where we did glassware, kitchen gadgets, small appliances, and games. Finally we went to Younkers for china and crystal. I love everything we picked out--our tastes seem to go really well together. We don't like fussy or overly detailed things--our china and crystal are really simple and elegant. We chose white with a plain platinum rim. The everyday dishes are a plain design, but colorful. I think Derek tends toward the neutrals where I like more color, but both of us like clean lines and less detailed designs. I think he likes the more modern look where I am more classic, but it seems to work well together and we are able to compromise with both being happy. I love all the stuff we've picked out. I can't WAIT to move and start getting things for the new place!

Today I am having a grading marathon. I am watching the A & E Pride and Prejudice, great for the long haul. I have finished the district assessments and I should start on the class tests soon. Must get back to work now. :-)

Friday, March 18, 2005

12 for 16

Not bad in the pool so far, although 2 people are 15 for 16. It would be really funny if I were to win because I have no CLUE what I'm doing.

Last day before break. I'm sure the kids will be insane today, but I planned a read and feed (they can read books and eat during class) and that should keep them quiet so that the kids who missed tests this week can make them up. We have shortened class periods and the students have a dance at the end of school. I am chaperoning...shouldn't be too bad, although it was really loud last time.

SO much to get done over break...registry, condo stuff, wedding stuff, school stuff...and the list goes on.

Mom was here visiting this week. We had a good time-just wish I could have been off school. We are dropping her off at the train tonight, and we will pick up my brother from the same train. He will be with us until Tuesday. :-)

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Week 11, day 52

Plugging along here until Spring Break. The kids have another test today (they took the district weather test yesterday, and will be taking ours today) , and then there are shortened classes tomorrow before the dance. Thank goodness.

My birthday present from the other science teacher was a free entry into our tourney pool. So I filled out a bracket, having no clue what I was doing. We'll see if I win anything.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Tee hee hee

I'd forgotten about this site, but remembered about it last night. Use it to amuse yourself...I put my blog in there and had a good laugh.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Week 12, day 60

Drip. Drip. Drip.

This is what I'm hearing as I sit here at my desk. The water is dripping from the safety shower into the plastic bucket I have placed below it. The shower went off in my class. Now the question is, did someone pull it or was it an accident? I have a key witness to interview tomorrow. Hopefully she will tell me if it just went or if the person pulled it. I am hoping for severe consequences here, but if he really didn't pull it, I don't want to punish him.

Grrr. This bugs me a LOT.

The kids were okay today, although 7th hour was making me want to pull out my hair (as usual). I was having an intense chocolate craving after school, which should say something. Mostly that the kids were acting like jerks.

A couple of kids were hanging out here after school, though. I shouldn't flatter myself, they were mostly just avoiding wrestling practice and I think my room is a convenient place to do it. I should go and avoid the 5 pm traffic. I hate going home to an empty house.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Bachelorette for a week

D is in LA this week for work, so I'm by myself until my mom gets here on Saturday morning. I've got lots of leftovers to tide me over; we are trying to eat everything in the pantry and the freezer in preparation for the move.

We set a record high temperature today--72 degrees! I love it...just wish it would stick around for a while. I went out to buy some groceries and stuff and I opened the sunroof. Lovely!

I am spending a lot of time thinking about how I want to decorate the new place. It's really entertaining and I'm having fun with it. We are thinking of buying some furniture from a lady at work--she is selling a roll-top desk, china hutch, two end tables, and a coffee table. We haven't seen them yet, but if we like them, we will probably make her a package deal.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

The condo-master bathroom w/huge counter!
Master bedroom
Kitchen (half of it), the stove and microwave are on the other side facing this wall
Eating area w/entrance to balcony (next to kitchen)
Other extra bedroom-this will be Derek's study/guest room. They are leaving the desk along the wall for us.
One of the extra bedrooms--will be my study
Living room looking one way w/dining area
The living room

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Decisions, decisions

Sometimes I get really tired of making decisions.

One of our principal's favorite sayings is that teachers make more decisions in a day than brain surgeons do. I can believe it. I have to decide what to teach, how to teach it, and what order to teach it in, as well as all the little decisions every minute (do I let her go to the bathroom? Do I say something about the pencil-tapping now or see if the kid stops? Do I just go stand by him to try to get him to calm down? What do I say? What do I do when a kid does _________ (fill in the blank with the obnoxious-behavior-of-the-week)?)

Sometimes I come home and it's all I can do to decide what to have for dinner.

Right now I am putting off deciding what I am going to teach today. I have several options, it's just a matter of choosing one. Right?

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Strange but 63, week 13

I admit it. I am counting down the days.

I have found that the day after I have had a bad night (AKA I was upset about school), or if I'm really tired, I dress up more. Today I am wearing a long skirt, my boots, sleeveless shell and a blazer, which should tell you how good last night was. I am very frustrated with the personalities and hangups of some of the kids I have to teach.

In the morning, things never seem quite as bad. Good thing, because I wouldn't keep coming to school every day if they did.