Friday, February 18, 2005

Various and sundry

Have you ever seen the word sundry without the word various?

But I digress.

-Condo inspection is on Monday. Hopefully everything is okay (or only minor) and we can proceed.
-Wax model of my ring is done, I saw it on Tuesday. With a few minor alterations, it will look great.
-Something is in the water this week. All over the school, the kids are going insane. The office has been overloaded with referrals and bad behavior. Is it a full moon or what? I was trying to find out but gave up because it was taking too long.
-Alcohol is good. I wanted to have a drink last night before D got home, so... I found a recipe with wine in it. Then I had to open a bottle, and what's a glass while cooking? Julia Child did it all the time! So, dinner was almost ready when he got home from playing badminton with a friend, and that worked out well. I like cooking, especially when I get to play Julia. :-)


Blogger Laura said...

"Alcohol is good"... words I never thought I would hear from Suzanne.

Perhaps you can join me on the slow descent to alcoholism - I think student stories could drive us both there.

1:48 PM  
Blogger Suzy said...

Who said anything about a slow descent? If the kids keep this up, I will be quickly galloping down that slippery slope. ;-)

I never said alcohol wasn't good...I just said there wasn't a good reason to drink to get drunk. I am perfectly happy with a good buzz, which for me comes after 1-2 drinks.

Note, gentle readers, that I do not drink very often and always drink in moderation.

3:19 PM  
Blogger Suzy said...

Plus, I'm cheap and I really hate paying obnoxious amounts of money for drinks at bars when you can buy your own at liquor stores for much less money.

3:20 PM  
Blogger Angie said...

What happened to that innocent 18-yr-old who said, "If my roommate drinks, I'll sleep in the library."?

Anyway, I'm totally with you on the whole overpriced-liquor-at-bars thing. If I can get a bottle of wine for under $10, and a glass at a restaurant for $6, then the atmosphere at my house will be good enough. Although, there is this bar in town where Sat night is ladies night and all drinks for ladies are $2. Score. :)

2:06 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

To answer Angie's question, I think she turned 21...not that not being 21 ever stopped her (or me) on holidays...)

9:03 PM  
Blogger Suzy said...

I said that?? I don't remember...

And it wasn't turning 21 that drove me to drink. It was starting this career.

8:57 AM  

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