Thursday, January 27, 2005

Sick day

I took a sick day today. I was up half the night with various kinds of discomfort that I'm sure you don't want to read about. Suffice it to say that I was exhausted and unhappy when I decided to phone it in. It's only the second day this year, so I don't feel too bad about it. I think I'll be okay though, just need some rest and relaxation. Advil and heat are definitely helping.

The bridesmaids are getting their dresses in the mail. This is making me so excited...I can't wait to see all these gorgeous women on the big day! Only a little more than five months to go. I took a break from invitations last week because of conferences, but I need to get back to them and figure out what I want to do for the envelopes so I can start addressing and writing names. Yes, dammit, I am going to address my own wedding invitations. O ye of little faith...and you thought I was just making it up. Well, I really don't have much of a choice...there's no way in heck I'm paying someone else to do it when I'm perfectly capable myself.

I need to bug people for realtor names and numbers. Sometimes I wonder how people fit all they need to do in the course of a day or a week without going crazy. Yes, I am certifiably insane. But really, is there any other way to be?


Blogger Stephanie said...

Got my fabric. Matches my shoes perfectly! Yay! Too bad UPS is dumb in their delivery methods. Why can't we schedule a delivery window? That would make sense, don't you think? As it was, I had to drive to their facility in a neighboring city and pick up my fabric.

5:35 PM  

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