Sunday, December 19, 2004

More political funnies

How many members of the Bush Administration does it take to change a light bulb?
The answer is: 10
1. One to deny that a light bulb needs to be changed,
2. One to attack the patriotism of anyone who says the light bulb needs to be changed,
3. One to blame Clinton for burning out the light bulb,
4. One to tell the nations of the world that they are either "for"changing the light bulb or "for" darkness,
5. One to give a billion dollar no-bid contract to Halliburton for the new light bulb,
6. One to arrange a photograph of Bush, dressed as a janitor, standing on a step ladder under the banner: "Light Bulb Change Accomplished,"
7. One administration insider to resign and write a book documenting in detail how Bush was literally in the dark,
8. One to viciously smear #7,
9. One surrogate to campaign on TV and at rallies on how George Bush has had a strong light-bulb-changing policy all along,
10. And finally, one to confuse Americans about the difference between screwing a light bulb and screwing the country.

only 3 more days and I'm done for a week and a half. This break will be so relaxing--it's nice to get out of town on occasion. We'll get to see friends and family, D is an usher in a wedding on New Year's Eve, and hopefully we'll have enough down time to satisfy both of us. We're driving back on the 1st so that we can take the 2nd to regroup before school restarts.


Blogger Stephanie said...

You're almost there! Yay! There's just half the year left to go! I hope the kids aren't too horrid these last couple of days!

4:44 PM  

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