Tuesday, November 16, 2004


is more than we thought we were going to get for the car! But there it is. Yes, it has been totaled. We are working things out without a car for the moment, and we are taking the train out to CO for Thanksgiving week. A lady from Amtrak called us tonight and we could get a sleeper for only $75 extra, so we took it--it includes dinner and breakfast in the dining car, semi-private bathroom, bunks, etc. We had to get a sleeper on the way back because there were no coach seats--weekend after Thanksgiving, not surprising. I think this trip should be SO wonderful and relaxing!

I will be so glad to have a week off to rest and recover. My 5th period kids have been awful lately. I'm laying down the smack after the break...15 min. detention for EVERYTHING. I don't care that I'll be giving lots. These kids are driving me nuts. Grades are due Friday and I'm not doing well with conforming myself to others' schedules, but I have to in order to get a ride home every day.

We are looking at cars in the $15k range--we want something that is really safe and will last us a while. We are leaning toward an '01 or '02 Accord...EX model has standard ABS and 4-wheel disc brakes, which we're told are night and day from 2-wheel disc (the other 2 are generally drum). We test-drove a car with 4-wheel discs and the difference was remarkable. Hopefully the insurance won't go up too much because of the wreck. Luckily, we are turning 25 and getting married next year, both of which will lower our payments significantly.

Jeff was here last weekend--he took the train out and visited. It was really good for me to see him. I've been worried about his health and I think seeing him helped.

Quite a ramble, I know, but things have been crazy nuts lately and I'm trying to stay on top of school stuff. This break is going to be so wonderful.


Blogger Stephanie said...

Glad you got a good amount for the car. I love taking the train. I want to do that some year to Denver. Since you're staying a little later, want to meet for lunch on Saturday, just us 'kids'?

10:31 PM  
Blogger Angie said...

I always enjoyed taking the train in college, and I think you are very wise to get the sleeper car. It can be pretty crowded over the Thanksgiving holiday. Yay for CO! See you next Friday!

11:06 AM  

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