Friday, October 01, 2004

Made it!

I made it through the week...(week 6 of 40, 15%!)...through September (month 1 of 9)...and through the other teacher's absence.

Saw that graph again at a new teacher/mentor meeting the other night. Actually September starts the "survival" phase..."disillusionment" doesn't come until late October-early November. Survival is a good term for it.

TGIF. I'm going home.


Blogger Stephanie said...

Each year is full of milestones, usually the major holidays. For me it's my programs and when they are. Of course, this year will be slightly different...

You will be amazed at how much you learn the first year. Wait until June (I'll ask you in July) and you'll look back and realize how little you truely know right now. (And I'm not trying to be mean. This happened to me.) You have been thrown into the deep end of the ocean and told "Swim to shore!" Christmas Break is a nice bit of floating something or a deserted island mid-way through the year. You'll be able to stop for a little bit then and rest. Then, come January, it's right back to swimming. Next year will be easier, I promise! By my third year, I felt comfortable at the beginning of the year. Now it's old hat. Hang in there, Suzanne! Don't be afraid to improvise!

10:14 AM  

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