Thursday, August 14, 2008

August 14 declutter

Today's declutter was some stuff in the garage. I listed our old closet doors on Freecycle. One set of old closet doors was picked up last night, and the other two sets are supposed to be picked up tonight. I also took a bunch of plastic bottles that were sitting around (drink bottles and empty windshield washer fluid bottles) and put them in the recycling bin. Then I swept up a little bit. It's not a complete garage overhaul, but it's a start.

Completely unrelated: I am now obsessed with shopping for vintage fashion on a certain online auction site. I haven't bought anything yet, but I have my eye on a few things. Actually, I am in need of a new winter coat, so I do have a search going for vintage wool coats. I've got some time before it gets cold; maybe I'll find a good one before then!

Also completely unrelated: I am vaguely trying to justify watching so much Olympics coverage by working on pictures at the same time. I am pre-cropping them (as in trimming or cutting them into shapes to make them prettier) so that they will be ready for album page layouts. Right now I am working on pictures from D's childhood albums.


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