August 12 declutter
Here is the After, still pretty full but reorganized and a lot more manageable. I found some refill razors I didn't even know I had! I did get rid of some old medications and listed all my little travel shampoo/conditioners on Freecycle. I realized that I like my brand of shampoo and I always take it with me anyway, so why collect those little things?
We had a great time in Minnesota this weekend. Pictures are posted on my Shutterfly sharing site, which should be up and running again soon. It seems to be down at the moment. I did not have much of a chance to declutter while we were gone, although I did throw away some trash that was in the car, so I guess that counts. Blech, I'm so tired of being in the car...we put almost 1400 miles on our car this weekend! Luckily we have no more car trips planned until Thanksgiving.
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