Friday, May 20, 2005

Chickens? Heads cut off? What?

The kids are nuts. Today was the last Friday of real classes before the end of school-next week is the dance, the week after is the big field trip.

But on the bright side, John Williams' brilliant score is starting to run through my head. Yes, ladies and gents, another Star Wars is here. We have tickets to the 6:30 show tonight. I am trying really hard not to get my hopes up because the second one sucked so badly, but I am looking forward to it despite myself.

Wedding stuff is NUTS...but the invitations have been mailed, so one big hurdle tackled. Also we are meeting with the priest now and will shortly pick out music, musicians, readers, and readings. We've already gotten a few registry gifts :-) and less "no" RSVPs than we are hoping, but it is still early. Not that we don't like people, it's just that the guest list got a little out of hand.

This weekend we WILL make hotel reservations and train reservations if it kills us...which it probably will. I hate having so many choices. Plane tickets are easy--which has the best price on the days you want to fly? Hotels-way too complicated. What neighborhood, what price, what kind of room, what quality...the list goes on and on.

But again on the bright side, the new Harry Potter book is coming out...and we will be in Edinburgh for it, the same place as JK Rowling!!!


Blogger Angie said...

I'm don't pretend to be an expert, but I really liked Episode III. So did Bridget. Have a great time!!

5:34 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

So are you going to buy HP6 in Scotland on July 16? Way cool!

Just so you know, my kids were nuts on Friday too...and we still have four weeks left! (Granted only one of them is a full week...)

5:14 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

If you still haven't made hotel reservations, my parents stayed at a really great B&B in Edinburgh. I'd be happy to pass along info if you want it.

4:49 PM  

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